Come on Come People Musical

February 17, 2025 / 21:00 / Ragusa Center / Music and Concerts, Theatre, films and shows

On the occasion of the fortieth anniversary (1981-2021), SONI Produzioni Srl proposes a new version of Forza Venite Gente: faithful to the original in terms of plot and content, dramaturgical development and musical scores, but profoundly renewed in the technology and quality of the staging . 
The plot, centered on the figure of Saint Francis, Patron Saint of Italy, tells the values ​​and emotions of everyday life, but dedicates interesting moments and intense reflections on the relationship between fathers and children, often contaminated by different expectations and distant values. The show therefore offers two different reading levels: on the one hand the representation of a documented truth (the context within which the figure of Saint Francis of Assisi moves), on the other the relationship between fathers and children, which it does not need historical references, because it is part of all generations and all eras.
Tickets available on TicketOneExternal link

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