San Vincenzo Ferreri Auditorium

San Vincenzo Ferreri Auditorium
S. Vincenzo Ferreri 12
S. Vincenzo Ferreri 3
S. Vincenzo Ferreri 2
S. Vincenzo Ferreri 6
S. Vincenzo Ferreri 13
S. Vincenzo Ferreri 8
S. Vincenzo Ferreri 14
S. Vincenzo Ferreri 7
S. Vincenzo Ferreri 11
S. Vincenzo Ferreri 10
S. Vincenzo Ferreri 15
S. Vincenzo Ferreri 4

San Vincenzo Ferreri Auditorium is a former Dominican church, alongside a former convent, of which only one side of the cloisters remains.

Located in Piazza Giovan Battista Hodierna at the entrance to the Iblei Gardens, the church has been de-consecrated and since 2010 has been used as a public auditorium. 

Inside there is a single nave leading to a semicircular apse, decorated with ornate spiral columns embellished with leafy patterns and cherubs holding up banners. On the wall above one of the side altars is a fresco depicting an urban scene which could be how Ragusa looked before the devastating 1693 earthquake. Every year a series of exhibitions is programmed that are open to the public, free of charge.

Upcoming exhibitions:
23-30 July 2024 | Art Collective: light, colour, metamorphosis, by Franco Baglieri, Vannaqui, Giusy Grasso and Patrizia Cerminara. Opening hours: daily, 09:30-13:00 and 18:00-23:00,
4-25 August 2024 | Personal from Giovanni Lissandrello. Opening hours: daily, 10:00-13:00 and 18:00-23:00.

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