The Cathedral of St George

Chiesa San Giorgio Dall Alto
(1920x1080) Cupola Di San Giorgio (Belvedere) 1
(1920x1080) Cupola Di San Giorgio (Belvedere) 2
(1920x1080) Ibla   Dettaglio 1
(1920x1080) Ibla   Duomo Di San Giorgio 1 (Verticale)
(1920x1080) Ibla   Duomo Di San Giorgio 1
(1920x1080) Ibla   Duomo Di San Giorgio 3
(1920x1080) Ibla   Duomo Di San Giorgio 4
(1920x1080) Ibla   Duomo Di San Giorgio 5
(1920x1080) Ibla   Duomo Di San Giorgio 6
(1920x1080) Ibla   Duomo Di San Giorgio 7
(1920x1080) Ibla   Portale Di San Giorgio 1
San Giorgio Interno
Located in the beautiful historic centre of Ragusa Ibla, the Cathedral of St George is the jewel in the crown of our city's rich architectural heritage.
The cathedral of St George in Ragusa Ibla is the symbol of our city and a masterpiece of Sicilian late-baroque architecture, designed by the most creative Sicilian architect of the 18th century, Rosario Gagliardi.

 Inside, in addition to painting by famous Sicilian artists from the 18th and 19th century, do not miss the organ built by Serassi-Allieri of Bergamo in 1881 and the likeness of Saint George, which is carried aloft on the patron saint’s feast day, celebrated on the final Sunday in May.

Every day: 10:00-13:00 and 15:30-19:30

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