Underground Ragusa

A silent underground city where you can still see the pickaxe marks etched in the walls and high ceilings, supported by the stout pillars left in place: welcome to the immense subterranean spaces that lie beneath Ragusa. A city ‘in negative’, created by quarrying the stone used to build the new Ragusa. This close relationship between people and local limestone goes back more than a thousand years: from the ancient Fontana Nuova rock shelter, to tombs housed in small caves dug out of the walls of Santa Domenica canyon, from the underground complexes excavated for funeral rites, up to more recent times and the subterranean quarries of Gonfalone and Santa Domenica.

The Old Underground Quarries of Gonfalone: Underground Ragusa

Discovering the origins of Ragusa

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Fontana Nuova rock shelter: step back into (pre)history

One of the oldest settlements in Europe

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The underground burial chambers of Ragusa

A fascinating walk exploring the countryside

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Explore underground Ragusa

A walk through the underside of Ragusa.

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